Our Ethos and Values
Learning Together in Faith.
By recognising Jesus Christ in ourselves and others, our school strives to be a living Christian Community which values and nurtures each individual through a sound education and encourages responsible attitudes towards our changing world.
To remain faithful to our ethos and values we aim:
- To enable every member of our school community to recognise their own God-given worth and in turn to respect the unique value of each person whatever their ability, age, wealth, poverty, gender or race.
- To offer a Catholic Religious Education programme and formation which enables all children to grow in their love of Jesus Christ.
- To rejoice in and celebrate our Faith and life through “meaningful” liturgies, assemblies and prayer.
- To encourage shared responsibilities between home and school.
- To strengthen our shared Faith with our parish and other Catholic Schools within our Deanery by being ‘Partners in Christ for Others’.
- To encourage links within our immediate neighbourhood and so develop an appreciation and respect for other faiths and cultures.
- To recognise and respond to the needs of each individual within the school community.
- To create an environment within which staff and pupils are encouraged to develop and grow to their full potential.
- Through sound government and management to provide and use cost effective resources that are appropriate and necessary for our work.
- Through the guidelines of the National Curriculum, provide a broad and balanced education.
- To help children develop a love of their environment and learn to treat and use it with the utmost care and respect.
- To educate and inform all individuals in our community about the aspirations and moral dangers of our changing world, and be equipped and ready to give any necessary support
Our Values
At St Louis, we learn to love and love to learn. We follow our Gospel values and they shape everything that we do. These gospel values are taught and discussed with children and we have a period of greater focus towards the values over a two year cycle: