We are busy!
In Holly and Cherry class, the children have had a busy start to the new year. In maths they have been building on their subitising skills, then 'taking a picture' with their eyes of an image and then re-creating the pattern of dots from memory. They are super-subitisers now!
In Art, the children are learning about different types of lines. They have explored examples such as wavy, zig-zag and spiral. Next, some music was played, and the children had a crayon to 'take their line for a walk'. This allowed the children to listen and let their expression flow out through the medium of their crayon in response to the music they heard.
In PE they are learning how to be 'Champion Gymnasts', moving in safe spaces, making high and low shapes and still shapes. Exploring ways to lift up arms and/or legs whilst creating their shape.